Vincents Warning (Painting)
Last Updated : June 30, 2012
Vincents Warning (Painting)
Vincents Warning (Painting)- Preview ImageVincents warning nearly came at a terrible cost...
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Background Details
No Information Made Available (YET)

Feature Log Section
No Information Made Available (YET)

Show Change/Bug Log

Version - 3.40.Development
Updated 10/1/2010
  • Planning Stages

Version - 3.41.TestRelease
Updated 6/19/2011
  • LateNightScript Fix
  • Added: Painting Presence Required For Crack to Form
  • Added: Event Must Be Trigger For Crack to begin to Form
  • Cheat Added: Control Event Option Disperse / Absorb
  • Cheat Added: Control Event Option Active Lot / World
  • Cheat Added: Trigger Event
  • Cheat Added: Trigger Event (Destory Life)
  • Cheat Added: Big Bang 2

Version - 3.44.Release
Updated 11/1/2011
  • Fix: TSR RIG DECRYPTED FIX (Pre-Pets Update)

Version - 3.50.Development
Updated 6/30/2012
  • Modified : Linked to Ethereal Event System
  • Added : Prevent More than 1 Painting Placed

Known Bugs Section

7/1/2012 - Reworking Script - Merger To New System For New Beginings Release
12/31/2012 - Retired Mod

Latest Download Version

This mod has been retired, and no longer supported. Until such time as this changes, this mod is unavailable for download.