Sonic Devices (Base Class)
Last Updated : June 30, 2012
Sonic Devices (Base Class)
Sonic Devices (Base Class)- Preview ImageBase Class for all timelord sonic screwdrivers, lazer screwdrivers and other.
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4th Doctors Sonic Screw Driver- Preview Image
4th Doctors Sonic Screw Driver
The Fourth Doctor loved the idea that the sonic screwdriver could open any door... except the ones that it couldn't!
9th, 10th Doctors Sonic Screw Driver- Preview Image
9th, 10th Doctors Sonic Screw Driver
The Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver has taken many shapes over the years. It is a great tool for repairing things, scanning for alien tech, and unlocking doors - unless they are deadlock sealed.
The Masters Tissue Compression Eliminater- Preview Image
The Masters Tissue Compression Eliminater
The Master’s favorite little toy. Just remember that those dolls are not for playing...
The Masters Lazer Screwdriver- Preview Image
The Masters Lazer Screwdriver
Who needs sonic... especially if it also has Lazarus Tech...
Rivers Sonic Screwdriver- Preview Image
Rivers Sonic Screwdriver
The Doctor gave her a sonic screwdriver...he intended to save her.

Background Details

Base Class for all timelord sonic screwdrivers, lazer screwdrivers and other.

Feature Log Section
No Information Made Available (YET)

Show Change/Bug Log

Version - 3.1.Release
Updated 8/5/2010
  • Supports Sonic Devices
  • Supports Lazer Devices
  • Supports TCE
  • Supports Feature: Kill Sim, Lazer
  • Supports Feature: Stun Sim, Lazer
  • Supports Feature: Age Sim to Next Age (Lazarus Tech)
  • Supports Feature: Age Sim to Death (Lazarus Tech)
  • Supports Feature: Age Sim to Elder (Lazarus Tech)
  • Supports Feature: Scan Room, Generic Info
  • Supports Feature: Scan Room, Traps
  • Supports Feature: Scan Room, Secret Doors(Tombs)
  • Supports Feature: Scan Door,Unlock,Lock
  • Supports Feature: Disable Alarms
  • Supports Feature: Isomorphic Controls (Disabled)

Version - 3.2.Release
Updated 9/4/2010
  • Supports Feature: Scan Room, Holograms
  • Menu Added When Click Room

Version - 3.3.TestRelease
Updated 4/30/2011
  • Script References Fixed (LateNightScriptFix)
  • EA Fix Inventory System
  • Added: Disarm Traps
  • Added: Companions Can Use Sonics

Version - 3.3.UpdateFix1
Updated 6/11/2011
  • Fix: Pickup From World
  • Fix: Position Fx
  • Fix: Visible in Catalog
  • Added: Direct Click Scan Object
  • Added: Direct Click Scan Sim Biology
  • Added: Direct Click TCE (TCE Only)
  • Added: Destroy Boulders (Lazer Only)
  • Added: Direct Click Lazer Destroy/Stun/Kill
  • Added: Close Crack in Time

Version - 3.42.BugFix1
Updated 10/12/2011
  • Fix: Change Trap State (Generations)
  • Added: Unlock Personal Prison (Ex Pandorica)

Version - 3.45.PublicBeta
Updated 6/6/2012
  • Added: Medical Scan reveals Gender of Baby (During Pregnancy)
  • Added: Detonate Objects When Destroying Objects World/Room

Version - 3.50.Development
Updated 6/30/2012
  • Added: Split Medical Scan Sim/Occult/Pet/Alien Reports
  • Added: Scan & Stabilize Ganger
  • Added: Scan & DeStabilize Ganger
  • Added: Sonic Scan Sim Can Trigger Events/Interactions

Known Bugs Section

7/1/2012 - Reworking Script - Merger To New System For New Beginings Release
12/31/2012 - Retired Mod

Latest Download Version

This does not require a physical download, this is for reference purposes only.